Fundraising for Beat – Eating Disorders

sarahIn my short life I have fund-raised  for many charities. But Beat is a very important charity to me. The parent helpline helped my mum with finding help and support for me. They have also given me advice when I needed it.

Beat provide information and support about all eating disorders, and where to get help and support. They provide expert training and support and consultancy about eating disorders, for those working in the health care sector. Beat also support and encourage research into eating disorders and challenge stereotypes and stigma, increase understanding and campaign for better services and access to treatment. Amongst many other things.

12795314_10205845942607363_8152813213556364163_nSo using Beat’s Help Finder directory of public and private services. Shows that the three closest treatment centres are:

  • South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (74.1 miles)
  • Eating Disorder Services – Black Country Partnership Foundation Trust (77.1 miles)
  • Newbridge House (77.9 miles).


Using these places as targets I decided to hold a bike-athon in my local mental health centre –Ponthafren.

12803297_10205845941887345_4369664429023681214_nOn Friday the 26th February there were bucket loads of cake available including healthy and Vegan cakes. I started at 10am and with help from some volunteers in finally made it at 3.20pm I reached the final target of 77.9 miles. To say I was exhausted was an understatement. All the members at Ponthafren counted down with me to each target with a huge round of applause.  It was a huge achievement for me and it demonstrates how far someone could possibly have to travel to get specialist help.

Over all we raise £79.24 for Beat’s Sock It to Eating Disorders.

sarah 17It’s not the amount of money we raised that counts but the fact we did it! I hope there comes a day when eating disorders are more understood and treatment is easier to access.
Before I sign off, please remember to talk about eating disorders be willing to learn more. It’s time to smash the stigma! Let’s all sock it to Eating Disorders.

Sarah Dale >^..^<

Time To Talk Day!

Hi Guys today is Time To Talk Day! so im going to do a little blog about me!

This is me! just so you don’t get confused 😉

My Name is Sarah Dale, I am 22, and I have Been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with episodic Depression and Anxiety, and Anorexia Nervosa.

well that’s a mouth full and a half! do I let it get me down. I try my best not to!

I was fist diagnosed with anorexia when I was 16 and it has only since last year i was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, although I’ve been struggling with it for years.

At one point I was so ill I did not think I would make it to my 20th birthday. my moods were so volatile and I took my dangerous behaviours(self-harm, eating disorder ect.) to the extreme as I relentlessly punished my body.

over the last few years I have improved dramatically, and this is thanks to my medication which helps soften and regulate my emotions, Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT) which aim to teach me how to deal with my emotions, although I have a long way still to go!

I have my bad days where I’m very emotions run wild, self harm and restrictive eating urges are hard to over come, and the anxiety makes me physically sick, the depression makes me want to curl up in bed and hide from life, BUT I get there! I never let my mental health define me so don’t define me by it!

NPTC Newtown Level 3 Health and Social Care Students
NPTC Newtown Level 3 Health and Social Care students being educated by the Black Cat Project

up to date, I have won NPTC Powys Student Excellence Award, come runner up in the BTEC National Award, set up the Black Cat Project and created a radio play called Cara with Fixers UK.

With Fixers I have appeared in local and national newspapers on-line an in print, been a a part of the feel Happy Eating fix to devise recommendations for Government to improve the care of those with eating disorder, I was apart of The Feel happy Fix to divise recommendations for Government to improve the care of those with a mental helth problem, which I represented Wales when we presented the 50 Recommendations.

Presenting the Feel Happy Fix Report- 50 Recomendations for Mental health

i was apart of Generation 2015 in the run up to the elections, i was invited down to the BBC studios in London to ask a question to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood and Conservative leader leader David Camron. I was also interviewed by BBC Radio Wales for there Focus on Wales – Self-Harm program.

So you see, I am not ‘dangerous’, a ‘Psycho’, ‘need to be chucked in the loony bin’, and no I am defiantly NOT ‘a danger to your children’ as I have been told before. Personally I don’t care what you call me, I have sadly heard it all before. HOWEVER, what you say might stop someone from reaching out for help! so please be a little bit more PC… Pretty pleeeeaaaase!!

so at the moment I am taking my time to recover, I am focusing on my therapy so hopefully it won’t impact on my life so much, so I can get on with mylife.

Time for Zumba!

right peoples I’m now off to Zumba Class it helps me with my mood and is a healthy was to get out all those emotions without reverting to unhealthy behaviours. and yes I wear a short sleeved t-shirt! its taken me moths to get the courage to do so!. Zumba in long sleeved t-shirts is not fun I assure you!

Thanks for reading, thank you to everyone who helped me get here, and remember never give up! you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it!!!

Sarah Dale >^..^<




Mental Health and Memory

As you know mental health problems can affect your memory many conditions such as depression anxiety. Some of the medications to treat mental health conditions can affect them too. From personal experience I have found that my memory has become very poor over the years because of this. I forget things like washing up, shopping, attending appointments to taking my medication and what I have done in the past week. So here are a few tips to combat this.20160127_211030

  • Get yourself a white board! – Put it somewhere where you can’t miss it, like the back of the front door. List everything you need to do that day and tick them off as you complete them. It is very satisfying to see what you have done, it also insures you remember you do all those important tasks.
  • Use a diary! – putting my appointments or important dates in my phone, will guarantee I will forget and miss my appointments. Having a diary I carry everywhere with me. Insures I can check what I need to do and put in things I need to remember. Especially those pesky dentist appointments which are six months ahead!
  • Pill boxes are not just for old people! – are you like me, have so many meds you forget when to take them? Or leave them at home? Well there is this amazing contraption called a pill box! My bill pox is six days a week, morning, noon, evening and night. And the days are removable!! Fantastic! I just pop the box in my bag and take them wherever I go! Whoooo!
  • Notebooks are useful!– I can’t tell you the about of fancy notebooks I have been given for Christmas and Birthdays. Well put them to good use, white things that you have done in the day, your thoughts and feelings, which can come in handy for therapy sessions.
  • Alarms are not just for waking up! – You can set an alarm for when you need to take your medication, you can name the alarm on your phone so you can remember to take your medication.
  • Get a routine! – I find that if you have a routine for waking up and going to sleep you eventually get into a habit of doing things such as taking medication, putting the laundry on, washing up dishes ect. Not only does this help memory it helps you get a good night sleep too!! Yippee!

If you have any other suggestions let me know.

Any ideas for a blog post! what would you like to see? get in touch

Black Cat Project

Tips for Surviving Christmas

LOL-Christmas-Cat-D-sarahplove-17309466-400-302This time of year can be hard for everyone. It can be especially hard for those with mental health problems. So here are some tips for getting through the holidays.

  • Don’t put unrealistic pressures on yourself. Perfection is impossible. If you accept things will go wrong, it will cause less stress and allow you to enjoy the holidays.
  • Where ever you are this Christmas, at home or away with family, ensure you have a safe place. So when things get too much and you feel overwhelmed, you can go and distress so you can get your mind back on track
  • Ensure you have enough medication to get you through the holidays.
  • If things are too much, let someone know. Be honest about your feelings, so you can talk to someone and they can keep an eye out for you, and spot signs that you are struggling before you do.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a depressant, it may make you feel temporarily “better” but it will eventually lower your mood. Alcohol will mix with your medication which can have a detrimental effect.
  • For those with an eating disorder, stick to your recovery plan, or eat little an often. It’s just another day, you don’t have to binge.
  • Use breathing and grounding techniques for when things get too much.
  • Going for a walk or gentle exercise can help lift your mood.
  • Surround yourself with those you love, and say no to those who negatively affect you.
  • And if Christmas is all too much, remember its only one day.

If you can think of anymore tips to help you cope through the festive season, let us know.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Black Cat Project. Stay safe and enjoy the season. >^..^<download (1)

Borderline Personality Disorder

0783493I thought it was time to take a look at Borderline Personality Disorder, or as it is also called Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. Having being diagnose with the condition myself the ‘Diagnostic names’ don’t sound to promising. Infect, they sound extremely intimidating. This is one of the reasons diagnosis of this condition is not taken lightly. I have heard that other people have found that mental health services did not want to engage with them because of the diagnosis. Luckily this has not happened to me so far. My therapist and psychiatrist are very understanding. I found I was discriminated against more without a diagnosis. So enough about me! Let’s look at the ‘personality’ and personality disorders in general first.

What is a personality disorder[i]?

The term ‘personality’ refers to patterns of thoughts, feeling and behaviour, which is individual to all of us. We don’t always think, feel and behave in the same way, it depends on the situation we are in, the people we are around and many others. However we tend to behave in particular patterns. From these behaviour patterns we can be described as shy, selfish, lively etc. These make up our personality.

As we grow are personality changes and matures, as we go thought difficulty times in life and our circumstances change. Our thinking, feeling and behaviour changes, to cope with life more efficiently with life.

Those with a personality disorder find this more difficult. Patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving are more difficult to change. Also, people with a personality disorder have a more limited range of emotions, attitudes and behaviours, making it more difficult to cope with everyday life, making things difficult for the person with the personality disorder and those around them.

People with Personality Disorders often have different beliefs and attitudes from most people. This can make it difficult to spend time with people as your behaviour can be unexpected and unusual, which can lead you insecure and lonely.

The different types of personality disorder[ii]

In all there are 10 different types of personality disorder and these are grouped into three categories


To find out more about theses personality disorders take a look at

Borderline personality Disorder

BPDThose with Borderline Personality Disorder generally have five or more of the following symptoms[iii]:

  • Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
  • A pattern of unstable and intense relationships characterised by alternating between idealisation and devaluation.
  • Identity disturbance – unstable sense of self-image or sense of self
  • Impulsive behaviours that are potentially self-damaging(not including suicidal or self-harming behaviours)
  • Recurrent suicidal or self-harming behaviours
  • Insatiability due to reactivity of mood – e.g intense episodic dysphonia, irritability or anxiety lasting a few hours, really more than a few days.
  • Chronic feeling of emptiness
  • Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
  • Stress related paranoia ideation or sever dissociative symptoms

Each person’s experience of Borderline Personality disorder is different and should be treated as such.

For me I find it difficult to regulate my emotions or find a middle between the intense feeling. These feelings can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with. I dealt with this by engaging in self- harming behaviours, eating disorders, and if things got too much, attempting suicide. The feeling of emptiness makes it difficult to be on my own, or ‘be with myself’. I attach onto others, behave as that do to feel the ‘gap’. I feel that I don’t know who I am, which is the scariest thought, that I might be really nothing. I experience dissociative symptoms which can skew my perception, sometimes the world doesn’t feel real or that I am not real. Sometime I feel as if I am floating watching myself carry out everyday tasks. I have a difficulty to make and maintain friends, mainly because my reaction to small event can be extreme and un called for. I push people away if I feel like they will leave me, sometimes I cling on to them for dear life. Basically it is a very crippling disorder and effects my life and those around me. BUT!!! There is HOPE!!!



‘Recovery’ is possible. To get to a point where the behaviours, thoughts and feeling don’t impact you as much.

That statistics say that those diagnose with the condition improve in the long term(10-15 years), with 50 to 75 per cent no longer showing enough symptoms to meet the criteria for the diagnosis.

There are a variety of treatments available some you may wish to look at in more detail[iv]:

  • Dialect Behavioural Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Problem-Solving Therapy
  • Manual-Assisted Cognitive Therapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Analytic Therapy
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy adapted for Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Metallisation- based Therapy

Take a look at mind for more information on these therapies.

Although Borderline Personality Disorder is considered lifelong with the right treatment and therapy you can recover. Never give up! There is always hope!

Each person’s recovery is a journey, it may not be strait forward, there may be bumps in to road. Recovery is more about learning about yourself and reducing the impact it has on you, rather than eliminating the condition all together.



National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance

Self Harm UK

Life Signs


[i] Mind booklet – Understanding Personality Disorders

[ii] Mind booklet – Understanding Personality Disorders

[iii]  Understanding personality disorders, an introduction. Duane L. Dobbert -Page 65


Black Cat Project goes to Westminster!

Feel Happy Fix Launch35

On Tuesday 18 October I set off on a long journey from Mid Wales all the way to London. To then navigate the panic attack provoking London Underground to the grand houses of Parliament, for the Feel Happy Fix report launch!

For those unsure of what the Feel Happy Fix is, the Feel Happy Fix was an opportunity for young people to come up with way to fix issues surrounding mental health in six different areas. This are health care, work, school, home play (socialising) and media. The event was health in march 2015, at the British Film Institute in London. Roughly 300 fixers gathered at this event. The finding where complied into the Feel Happy Fix report


The Report itself contains 50 recommendations within these 6 areas. And let’s say the MP’s seemed impressed!

There were 4 fixers in total Sarah(me), JoGennifer and Andrew .

I kicked it off by talking about why being a part of the feel happy fix was important to me, and talking about why i got involved with Fixers, and my ‘fix’

‘For me to be a part of the research into the Feel Happy Fix report, to make an impact on young people’s lives are something I used to dream about. I came across fixers at a time when I had looked back on my past and realised something needed to change. My voice needed to be heard. I realised that the reason I was at the receiving end of discriminatory comments from my friends and peers was because of fear and a lack of understanding. So with fixers I developed an informative presentation about mental health to educate young people. We also developed a radio play entitled Cara, from a book I wrote. The radio play focuses on mental health issues such as Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, and how mental health affects an individual.’

12075050_812271212222989_3591135416321214745_n‘The feedback from my presentations and radio play is amazing. Fixers have given me the key to my dreams, I have made a huge difference to young people’s lives and I will continue to do so.’

‘It is important that the voices of young people suffering from mental health issue are heard. To me that is the most important part of the feel happy fix report.’

Each of us got to discuss what was the most important parts of the report. Mine were:

Recommendation 4: Range of treatment options.

“ensure that serves are age appropriate and tailored towards individual needs.  this should involve a range of treatment options”

12074950_812270732223037_8079655348648199371_nRecommendation 26: mental health education in schools

“make personal social and health education  (PSHE)  statutory requirement in the national curriculums, with a specific element of the programme dedicated to mental health teaching in all schools,  starting before senior school”

I explained about how i have received Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 4 times and have not responded. CBT has little  effect on those with Borderline Personality Disorder. Dialect Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is specifically designed for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. I explained that at the age of 19 i was interviewed ,out of 200 people for 10 places for DBT, in the south of powys. Andi did not get in as i ‘did not want to recover’. I also explained how i had waited 3 years psychological therapy, which i only received for a few months. I explained how a variety of treatments need to be funded and made accessible for everyone, and for the right amount of time.

Feel Happy Fix Launch108I also discussed how my presentations had made a young person realise they had a mental health problem and they are now receiving help from Child and Adolescent Mental Health services  (CAMHs). I believe mental health education can reduce stigma, allow peers to recognise sing and symptoms, support each other and know where to get help. It could help save lives.

At the end we had an answer and question session which was polite and friendly. One man, clearly not afraid to broach the subject, will the MP’s listen? will things change?

A change  is needed  desperately, people are getting seriously ill before anyone intervenes. How long can this go on for? I don’t know. What i do know is that as Fixers we won’t give up until we see a change, until mental health is addressed properly.


My work here is done! Black Cat Project AWAAAYYY…

Feel Happy Fix Launch34Feel Happy Fix Launch32

We Are Survivors!

abuseIt’s time to talk about a difficult subject, but an important one. The after effects of abuse, can have a profound effect on a person’s life. It’s time to come out of the dark and scream at the top of our lungs that WE ARE SURVIVORS! It is import ant to remember that, whatever form of abuse, IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The blame lies with the perpetrator! So let a look at the forms of abuse.

Physical abuse

Physical abuse is deliberately hurting a child causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, burns or cuts. This is not accidental, those who are physically abused suffer violence such as being hit, kicked, poisoned, burned, slapped or having objects thrown at them. Abusers will often make up illnesses or accidental injuries to cover up the abuse

Psychological /Emotional abuse [i]

Psychological abuse is the on-going emotional maltreatment or emotional neglect of a individual. it can seriously damage a person’s emotional health and development. Emotional abuse can involve deliberately trying to scare or humiliate an individual or isolating or ignoring them. Those who are emotionally abused are usually suffering another type of abuse or neglect at the same time. Although this is not always the case.

Sexual abuse

A person who is sexually abused when they are forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities. This doesn’t have to be physical contact, and it can happen online. A child images of pornographic content is also sexual abuse. Abusers will go to lengths to cover the abuse up.[ii]


Neglect is an on-going failure to meet a person’s basic needs. They may be left hungry or dirty, without adequate clothing, shelter, supervision medical or health care. They are in danger from physical and emotional harm. Neglect usually coincides with other forms of abuse.[iii]

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling behaviour, bulling, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a relationship.  Domestic abuse in composes  psycological, physical, sexual, or financial abuse. This can happen to either men or women an can continue even after the relationship has ended.[iv]

Tips for Survivors

If you have made it this far despite the abuse you have experienced that is an immense achievement. Do not give up! Overcoming the effects of abuse is a challenge is a challenge in its self. So let me introduce Adelaide, who is a 23 year old survivor

Flashbacks and Dissociation

‘I suffer from dissociation and sometimes flash backs. A smell, a feature on someone face, tone of voice can trigger a flash back or dissociation. I was thought to stop the flashback or dissociation to stamp my feet to ground me, to remind me ‘I am here, this is the present’. Another way it to splash your face with cold water, to ‘shock you’ into the here and now. Smelling something that reminds you of present things, I uses white musk perfume. This is another way to ground you’

The Unanswered Questions

“why did it happen? Why me? WHY?’ this is the question I believe that I will never get answered but there are ways to express them, without confrontation. My Victim Support worker suggested I write a letter to my abuser (without sending it) it is something I do occasionally and it helps to get all those thoughts and feeling out of my head, such as thought and anger I feel towards my abuser, the questions that are in my head. It gets it out in a safe way.’

‘Another technique is ‘Pillow talk’, it something that is used in therapy a lot, first you talk to ‘the pillow’ as your abuser. You can yell scream show even punch your ‘abuser’. This can be really helpful. In therapeutic setting you are asked by your therapist to then revers the role. You are the ‘abuser’ and the pillow is ‘you’ and you answer the questions that you have asked. It is very therapeutic but I

Would not do it on your own’

Sense of Loss

‘Those who have been abused feel that they have been robbed of their self-worth and life. People also feel out of control and difficult to trust people. The way I tackle this is by telling myself positive affirmations. By engaging in therapy you can learn to gain control, self-worth and learn to trust. By going to your local mental health drop in centre, you can do this in a safe environed. Volunteering can help build up your self-worth and esteem.’


I Can’t See a Way Out

If you believe you are being abused or know someone who is being abuse. there is a way out, as a community we need to speak out and protect those most vulnerable because it IS OUR BUISNES TO PROTECT THOSE WHO ARE UNABLE TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. Even if you have a small think that may indicate abuse that could be the thing that protects that person from further harm. Speaking out is hard bus essential, you don’t deserve to be hurt and degraded, and people will believe you.  If you are being abused report it to the police. They can then ensure that you are in a safe place and that abuser can be brought to justice, and protect other from further abuse. Abusers don’t change, most abusers carry on to abuse as long as they go undetected. ‘I can tell you honestly, that speaking out was hard, but everyone was so understanding. It made sense to the professional why I was so mentally ill, which meant I was given the appropriate support to deal with all the issues abuse creates. It is worth it. Speaking as someone who is bin through hell and back. It was worth it.’- Adelaide

People don’t realise the power they have to put an end to the abuse someone is enduring. It is important to report all sins of abuse. This can be done anonymously to the police or social services if you are afraid of being found out. You could save a life!

when I look back on the time I was abused, I change dramatically from a quite hard working pupil, to a violent angry teenager. I hit and kicked people, and really didn’t care. It hurt that no one asked about my dramatic behaviour change, if only they had, I might not as suffered as I did.’- Adelaide

I hope this helps I truly do. But please remember:







Below are some contact for support, if you would like you can message me on the Black Cat Project facebook page.


nspcc helpline 0808 800 5000

Rape Crisis 0808 802 9999

Refuge 0808 2000 247

children’s legal centre


Victim Support





Eating Disorders- No! It is NOT a diet!

greater than my eating disorderBefore I go on to explain to you what eating disorder are let look an one word which EVERYONE thinks of when eating disorders are mentioned! DIET

As a society when we say ‘diet’ we immediately associate it with weight loss. The word diet actually means what we eat, weather we are trying to lose weight or not. We can have a ‘healthy diet’ or an ‘unhealthy diet’ etc.

Diet Definition

The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats:a vegetarian diet[i].

You got that? Good. Now what is an eating disorder?


Eating Disorders – An Overview

Eating disorders are characterised by an abnormal attitude towards food that causes someone to change their eating habits and behaviour[ii]. Eating disorders are serious mental health condition where a person uses food as a way of control or to avoid dealing with, or express difficult emotions. There are many causes of an eating disorder these could be genetic, psychological, environmental, social and biological influences[iii].Over 725,000 men and women in the UK are affected by eating disorders[iv], which is a staggering number of people. Eating disorders claim more lives than any other mental illness – one in five of the most seriously affected will die prematurely from the physical consequences or suicide[v], making is one of the most dangerous mental health conditions.

Types of Eating disorders

I think it is really important to remember that anyone can have an eating disorder, you can be any size. Also it is important to remember eating disorders are a mental illness.

Weight is a Side effect. NOT the illness.

It is generally accepted that there are four types of eating disorders. These are:

  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
  • Atypical Eating disorder/ Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)

IMPORTANT- this is a brief explanation please look at Beat for more in-depth explanation.

Anorexia Nervosa[vi]

Anorexia is a mental illness where people  have a low weight and so this by restricting food vomiting laxatives or excessively exercising. People with anorexia have a distorted view of their body and go to great lengths to hide this from friends and family.  Those with anorexia usually have other mental health conditions as well. Anorexia has serious implications on a person’s physical health, friendships and relationships.

Bulimia Nervosa[vii]

Bulimia is a mental illness where a person feels out of control with their eating. They are trapped in a vicious cycle, alternate between eating a large about of food in a small session (Binge) and trying to prevent subsequent weight gain by, vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics or exercising (Purging). Those with bulimia often are in the normal weight range. However, it can have serious repercussions on a person’s psychical health, friendships and relationships. They may also have other mental health conditions.

Binge Eating Disorder (BED)[viii]

Binge eating disorder is a serious mental illness where people experience a loss of control and overeat on a regular basis. Those with BED eat large amounts of food in a short about of time (Binge).however, the difference between bulimia and BED is those with BED do not try and prevent the subsequent weight. It is not about large food portions. They are often not hungry, and are often ritualistic E.g. buying ‘special’ binge food. The binge usual takes place in private. People often feel guilt, and shame, and has serious effects on psychical and mental health.

Atypical Eating Disorder/ Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)[ix]

Those diagnosed with Atypical Eating disorder/ Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, generally display symptoms of an eating disorder that does not fit the diagnosis of either Anorexia or Bulimia. For example, the frequency of binges and purges isn’t enough to fit the criteria of bulimia or, a person’s weight is not low enough to fit the criteria of Anorexia. This does not mean it is less severe or dangerous. 50% of all people diagnosed with Eating disorder are diagnosed with Atypical Eating Disorder/ Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified the latest diagnostic criteria no longer uses this term and people would be diagnosed with anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder, according to the Beat charity for eating disorders.

I Think I Have An Eating Disorder[x]

Anyone can have an eating disorder regardless of gender, age, where you live or your level of education. Anyone can develop and eating disorder and it should be treated seriously, it is a mental illness and is a way that people have developed to cope with difficult feeling memories or situations.

Eating disorders are very complex, no one treatment works for everyone. People can switch between eating disorders. Some people are worried about speaking help because they feel ashamed or embarrassed, or that there condition isn’t ‘serious enough’ to warrant help. If you are worried or upset, regardless if you have the symptoms it is important to speak to someone about it, don’t bottle it up. Remember it is an illness, you don’t have to be ashamed.

Recovery is possible if you seek out help.

Your first port of call will be your GP. You GP may refer you to secondary mental health services such as the Community Mental Health Services (CMHT) or Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHs).  Who can refer you to specialist Eating Disorders Team, or possibly in-patient services.

11154673_886251714765720_8855712426270641574_oEating Disorder Experiences

Although I have suffered from an eating disorder, I thought I would call on fellow Fixer Angharad, to give you a different perspective.

What is it like to have an eating disorder?

‘Having an Eating Disorder is hell on earth. It’s not glamorous, in fact it is very dangerous. Eating Disorders are incredibly isolating illnesses. You end up being or feeling very alone and not understood at all.’ Angharad 

‘It’s like chasing a rainbow, you think that if you lose weigh everything be brilliant, that you will be happy, you lose some weight, but your still not happy, and around the cycle you go again. You end up trapped in your mind, suffering in silence. The sad truth is you will never reach that ‘goal weight’. It’s a death sentence.’ Sarah

How does it affect your life?

‘Suffering with an Eating Disorder affects every aspect of one’s life. There is not one part of life that is left untouched by the horrors of an eating disorder. You get sucked in completely and end up suffocated. You are weak and tired all the time, you can barely walk, you struggle to think strait, you lose friends and you lose your whole life.’ Angharad

‘Constant hunger, bed sores, insomnia irritability, constipation, poor circulation and chilblains. Eating disorders are a death sentence. Your friends disappear, family falls into chaos out of desperation, “why won’t she eat?” your life falls apart, everything is dictated by your eating disorder’ Sarah

17303_889388761118682_3493826655836117215_nAny tips for coping with an eating disorder?

‘Eating Disorders are extremely difficult to cope with. It is more of a daily battle. Someone suffering with an Eating Disorder needs to realise that the Eating Disorder is the enemy, not the friend it makes out to be. Lean on family friends for support and remember you are not alone. Reach out for whatever help you need and keep talking as much as possible.’ Angharad

‘Getting help, admitting your ill is hard, I know. However, it’s the first step to recovery. Surround yourself with supportive family and friends. Explain to them what’s happening in your mind. Seek out support from charities whether that is online, over the phone or in-person and never give up! Recovery is possible!’  Sarah

please seek help if you think you may have an eating disorder!

Eating disorder charity

Beat eating disorders

anorexia bulimia care

Men Get Eating Disorders Too










