Black Cat Project goes to Westminster!

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On Tuesday 18 October I set off on a long journey from Mid Wales all the way to London. To then navigate the panic attack provoking London Underground to the grand houses of Parliament, for the Feel Happy Fix report launch!

For those unsure of what the Feel Happy Fix is, the Feel Happy Fix was an opportunity for young people to come up with way to fix issues surrounding mental health in six different areas. This are health care, work, school, home play (socialising) and media. The event was health in march 2015, at the British Film Institute in London. Roughly 300 fixers gathered at this event. The finding where complied into the Feel Happy Fix report


The Report itself contains 50 recommendations within these 6 areas. And let’s say the MP’s seemed impressed!

There were 4 fixers in total Sarah(me), JoGennifer and Andrew .

I kicked it off by talking about why being a part of the feel happy fix was important to me, and talking about why i got involved with Fixers, and my ‘fix’

‘For me to be a part of the research into the Feel Happy Fix report, to make an impact on young people’s lives are something I used to dream about. I came across fixers at a time when I had looked back on my past and realised something needed to change. My voice needed to be heard. I realised that the reason I was at the receiving end of discriminatory comments from my friends and peers was because of fear and a lack of understanding. So with fixers I developed an informative presentation about mental health to educate young people. We also developed a radio play entitled Cara, from a book I wrote. The radio play focuses on mental health issues such as Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, and how mental health affects an individual.’

12075050_812271212222989_3591135416321214745_n‘The feedback from my presentations and radio play is amazing. Fixers have given me the key to my dreams, I have made a huge difference to young people’s lives and I will continue to do so.’

‘It is important that the voices of young people suffering from mental health issue are heard. To me that is the most important part of the feel happy fix report.’

Each of us got to discuss what was the most important parts of the report. Mine were:

Recommendation 4: Range of treatment options.

“ensure that serves are age appropriate and tailored towards individual needs.  this should involve a range of treatment options”

12074950_812270732223037_8079655348648199371_nRecommendation 26: mental health education in schools

“make personal social and health education  (PSHE)  statutory requirement in the national curriculums, with a specific element of the programme dedicated to mental health teaching in all schools,  starting before senior school”

I explained about how i have received Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 4 times and have not responded. CBT has little  effect on those with Borderline Personality Disorder. Dialect Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is specifically designed for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. I explained that at the age of 19 i was interviewed ,out of 200 people for 10 places for DBT, in the south of powys. Andi did not get in as i ‘did not want to recover’. I also explained how i had waited 3 years psychological therapy, which i only received for a few months. I explained how a variety of treatments need to be funded and made accessible for everyone, and for the right amount of time.

Feel Happy Fix Launch108I also discussed how my presentations had made a young person realise they had a mental health problem and they are now receiving help from Child and Adolescent Mental Health services  (CAMHs). I believe mental health education can reduce stigma, allow peers to recognise sing and symptoms, support each other and know where to get help. It could help save lives.

At the end we had an answer and question session which was polite and friendly. One man, clearly not afraid to broach the subject, will the MP’s listen? will things change?

A change  is needed  desperately, people are getting seriously ill before anyone intervenes. How long can this go on for? I don’t know. What i do know is that as Fixers we won’t give up until we see a change, until mental health is addressed properly.


My work here is done! Black Cat Project AWAAAYYY…

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