Mental Health and Memory

As you know mental health problems can affect your memory many conditions such as depression anxiety. Some of the medications to treat mental health conditions can affect them too. From personal experience I have found that my memory has become very poor over the years because of this. I forget things like washing up, shopping, attending appointments to taking my medication and what I have done in the past week. So here are a few tips to combat this.20160127_211030

  • Get yourself a white board! – Put it somewhere where you can’t miss it, like the back of the front door. List everything you need to do that day and tick them off as you complete them. It is very satisfying to see what you have done, it also insures you remember you do all those important tasks.
  • Use a diary! – putting my appointments or important dates in my phone, will guarantee I will forget and miss my appointments. Having a diary I carry everywhere with me. Insures I can check what I need to do and put in things I need to remember. Especially those pesky dentist appointments which are six months ahead!
  • Pill boxes are not just for old people! – are you like me, have so many meds you forget when to take them? Or leave them at home? Well there is this amazing contraption called a pill box! My bill pox is six days a week, morning, noon, evening and night. And the days are removable!! Fantastic! I just pop the box in my bag and take them wherever I go! Whoooo!
  • Notebooks are useful!– I can’t tell you the about of fancy notebooks I have been given for Christmas and Birthdays. Well put them to good use, white things that you have done in the day, your thoughts and feelings, which can come in handy for therapy sessions.
  • Alarms are not just for waking up! – You can set an alarm for when you need to take your medication, you can name the alarm on your phone so you can remember to take your medication.
  • Get a routine! – I find that if you have a routine for waking up and going to sleep you eventually get into a habit of doing things such as taking medication, putting the laundry on, washing up dishes ect. Not only does this help memory it helps you get a good night sleep too!! Yippee!

If you have any other suggestions let me know.

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